Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme

mf-lynette-fromme-small Follower of Charles Manson, who tried to assassinate Gerald Ford but failed from her own incompetence. In an interview though, Fromme claims not to have wanted to assassinate the President. Go figure. Nicknamed Squeaky because she would squeak whenever Spahn Ranch owner George Spahn tried to grope her. Which was apparently quite frequently; Spahn was quite the dirty old man.


22 Oct 1948 Lynette Alice Fromme born to Helen Benzinger Fromme and William Millar Fromme (an aeronautical engineer), Santa Monica CA.
1963 Family moves to Redondo Beach, CA.
1966 Graduates high school.
1967 Meets Charles Manson at Venice Beach.
Sep 1972 Arrested in connection with the murders of James and Reni Willet, for which she was not actually involved.
2 Jan 1973 Charges against Fromme dropped in Willet case.
5 Sep 1975 Manson Family member Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme almost assassinates President Gerald Ford with a .45 automatic in Sacramento, California. But Fromme is tackled by a Secret Service agent before she can remember to rack a round into the firing chamber.
Nov 1975 Convicted of attempting to assassinate Ford.
8 Mar 1979 Attacks fellow inmate Julienne Busic with a claw hammer, striking her on the head, at Women's Correctional Institute in Pleasantion CA. Busic, a Croatian nationalist, was in prison for hijacking a TWA airliner back in 1976. Fromme receives 15 additional months appended to her sentence for this attack.
23 Dec 1987 Escapes from Alderson Federal Penitentiary, Alderson WV.
25 Dec 1987 Reapprehended.
5 Sep 2005 Tentative release date.

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