Alfred Packer

alfred_packer_prison2 Convicted of cannibalism after killing and eating five companions in the Colorado Territory.

Evidently Packer was amused when a dyslexic tattoo artist misspelled his name as "ALFERD" and it became sort of an in-joke.

Packer was the subject of the movie Cannibal! The Musical, the first live-action film by the creators of South Park.


Nov 1873 Alfred Packer and 20 others depart Provo, UT for the San Juan Mountains in the Colorado Territory.
9 Feb 1874 Alfred Packer and five other men break away from the rest of their group and head for Gunnison.
6 Apr 1874 Alfred Packer emerges from the woods alone.
8 May 1874 Alfred Packer signs his first confession.
8 Aug 1874 The corpses of Alfred Packer's five missing companions are found, two miles outside Lake City, CO.
8 Aug 1874 Alfred Packer escapes from jail.
11 Mar 1883 Fugitive Alfred Packer captured in Cheyenne, WY. Packer had been living under the alias John Schwartze.
16 Mar 1883 Alfred Packer signs his second confession.
7 Aug 1897 Alfred Packer signs his third confession.
7 Jan 1901 Alfred Packer paroled by the governor of Colorado.
23 Apr 1907 Alfred Packer dies and is buried in Littleton, CO.

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