Rotten Library > Crime > Pirates
PiratesJust as one man's "guerrilla" is another's "freedom fighter," so it is with "pirate" and "privateer." It all depends on whether the individual is killing and stealing against you, or on your behalf.For all practical purposes, what is now known about the history of piracy dates back to March 1967, when Pirates of the Caribbean opened in Disneyland. Historians working for Disney gave people a true taste of what life was like back then. Pirates sang a lot. They commonly said "Arrr!" and "Avast ye, mateys!" and they hurled scathing epithets such as "Bloomin' cockroaches!" when particularly riled. They sacked harbor towns, took the women for sex slaves and auctioned them off to the highest bidder (for sometimes as little as two bottles of rum). Belligerent drunks who sailed a sunless, subterranean ocean in search of sex slaves and cursed treasure. First of all, get it out of your head that pirate ships were these massive, sail-laden monstrosities, loaded over with nooks, crannies and a grand and spectacular Captain's quarters. The fact is, they were small and built for speed, because on the high seas, it's pretty damn easy to spot a ship coming your way.
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