Rotten Library > Culture > Stun Guns
Stun GunsKnow what you can get for about forty bucks? A stun gun. Think about it: a hand-held, battery operated device no larger than an iPod, suitable for jabbing into strangers, rendering them temporarily immobile while you pluck the contents of their wallets and steal their iPods. Or maybe you're just tired of girls saying no -- if only people could just get to know you better! Let's spin the globe and witness how individuals throughout the world -- in law enforcement and the private sector -- are using their stun guns. Unless you're the one holding the device, the following scenarios and situations are indeed those which you might want to avoid.
Shopping mall security guards are now in cahoots with local police to make sure you get zapped post-haste if you linger too long in front of Hot Dog on a Stick. Flint Township police electrocuted a 23 year old in 2006 after he refused to leave the Genesee Valley shopping center in Michigan. Christ, dudes! What if he was looking for the Stun Gun Outlet?
To purchase official Taser International products on the Web, you're required to create a user account and fill out an online form which asks for your social security number, date of birth, and driver's licence information. If you put in fake information to bypass the bullshit (by claiming you're Fag Face from Cocksucker, Colorado) -- the Taser ID cross-checking system will return an "unknown identity" alert. You'll then be asked for your previous address, so the identity cross-checking can try again.
The word Taser is the most commercially identifiable brand name of a electronic weapons manufacturer. It's not some wackity-ass science fiction hybrid of space-age laser beams and magic: TASER stands for Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle, named after a fictional teenage inventor. Who says arms dealers don't have a sense of humor? More like stun fun!
Don't be mouthin' off at cops in Texas. In 2005, the Houston Chronicle reported
that police officers Tasered "verbally aggressive" suspects about fourteen
times over a six month period. Immediately after Tasers were integrated into
widespread usage throughout the Houston Police Department as an alternative
to guns or batons, they started "going off" more than once a day. And if you're
a distressed sixteen-year-old female threatening suicide and brandishing
a knife, consider the extraordinary lengths taken "The officer spoke with the female and the female moved towards him, moving the knife over her head. The Taser did not have the desired effect. The female pulled the darts out of her body and continued towards the officer." The deputy then fired a shot at the girl. Police say the officer was "stumbling" as he fired -- and fired a second shot which grazed the teenager's right foot. At that point, a precinct officer showed up and tried to deploy pepper spray, but that didn't work either. You just can't keep sad girls down. In addition to all the suicidal white punks on dope out there roaming the
earth, electro-shockable weapons are now being deployed on unarmed individuals,
children, people in restraints, pregnant women, and the physically disabled.
Increasingly, Taser guns are engaged in lieu of the efforts it might otherwise
take to dispatch a mental health professional to the scene of a Indeed, tasers can be set anywhere from mild to murder. Stun guns
kill people all the time; the first Taser death in recorded history was a man
in Cook County, Illinois who received a 50,000-volt shock lasting a record 57
seconds. Most people can't even hold their breath for that long, but what
are you gonna In southwest Florida, NBC 2 reports Tracy Shippy was Tasered after she was seen "thrashing about a Hallmark store," swinging a piece of metal, perhaps protesting the outrageous cost of vanilla pumpkin-spice Cathy candles. Minutes after being stun-gunned, Shippy
died -- and later, an autopsy detected traces of cocaine in her system. Of
all the stun gun deaths in Houston, so far 100% have been the result of individuals
on a drug similar to cocaine. Approximately 140 people in the United
States and Canada had already died of stun gun jabs by February of 2006 --
in keeping with Taser International spokesman Steve Tuttle's relatively flat
May 2004 statement to the Atlanta
Journal Constitution: "the
number of TASER-related deaths will continue to increase with the
number of devices we sell." Or lose! There's a missing Taser gun somewhere
in the wilds of Wisconsin. Sergeant Steve Mads Perhaps nobody deserves more of swift, disciplinary zap than our nation's schoolchildren. Thanks to ever-escalating chemical doses of genetically modified enzymes (which make cows produce larger, saggier udders of milk, and porkbellies produce fatter, greasier slabs of meat) fast-food lovin' adolescents in their early teens can be as overweight and aggressive as full-grown adult football players. The same goes for junk food snackin' teenage girls -- only they develop bigger asses and firmer boobs by age eleven, so there's no real need to use a stun gun. Come on now.
Stun guns can also be used on dangerous animals, thank goodness. In South Carolina, a particularly gruff billy goat was Tasered three times by a Colleton County deputy, after it snapped its leash and charged at citizen Dawn Pinette, knocking her to the ground. "All I could do was grab its horns and scream bloody murder," Pinette shared with the Associated Press. After the Tasering, everyone thought the goat was dead. After a few seconds, it hopped back up -- only to be Tasered twice more by officers, who finally got the goat into a truck. Baaa-ZZzZ-aaa. |
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