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18 Oct 1968 Time magazine prints North Korean propaganda photos of the USS Pueblo crewmen, in which several of the captured servicemen discreetly brandish the middle finger.
22 Sep 2003 Porn actress Mary Carey appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno along with 80 other California gubernatorial candidates, including Gary Coleman. Carey gives the camera the finger when Leno jokes that she possesses "the only hole in the ballot that's already been punched."
24 Dec 2003 In an expression of disdain, politician Turchinova decides to flip off the Russian parliament during a show of hands. Somehow, his gesture is recorded as a vote in favor of the measure in question.
14 Jan 2004 American Airlines pilot Dale Robin Hersh is arrested in Sao Paulo after flipping off the camera while being routinely photographed by Brazilian passport control authorities. Hersh later receives a $12,750 fine and is deported.
6 Feb 2004 Retired New Jersey banker Douglas A. Skolnick is arrested in Sao Paulo after flipping off the camera while being routinely photographed by Brazilian passport control authorities.

The Strange Case of the Shocker
Origin of the finger

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