Rotten Library > Culture > Jerkcity
The strip is, according to Jerkcity's creator Rands Pantalones, "a story told out of order." Recurrent themes permeate the work: drinking, drug abuse, pornography, homosexual/homophobic ravings, anger, confusion, dick jokes and what one might call an antidote to the good-natured "geek humor" that defines hobby-centric subcultures in online communities. This is clearly the work or rather a product of Generation X: not selling anything and not easily accessible to the world at large. No product manufacturer in their right mind would want to associate their brand with this train wreck. Somebody's time and effort into these digital scribbles has gone beyond the usual 33 strips that a new comic strip creator churns out before forgetting to pay the website bill. In a world where Stephen King's name is set in the largest point size available for book covers, one has to hunt and peck to learn anything about Jerkcity and its creators.
The comic strip comes with another feature: small grey messages which appear from time to time. Where the author should be demanding to be released from that which is a Chinese Fortune Cookie Factory, he instead scrawls dirty notes and angry rants. Where a professional strives to develop a style, a unique voice or tell a story, Jerkcity wanders off and sits in the weeds, sometimes for days at a time. You read it every day, and it's good for you like fresh green roughage. One cartoon was published entirely in Esperanto. Once, a character complained
about an irksome feature of OpenBSD, The strip is created with Microsoft Comic Chat, a chat application that might otherwise be ignored except for Microsoft's decision to use the IRC protocol and the artwork of Jim Woodring. Woodring's unique style can be described as other-worldly, disturbing and playful. Woodring licensed his artwork to Microsoft, according to the EULA distributed with the application, and has nothing to do with this project. Jerkcity is easy to dismiss as an experiment of culture-jamming, an art project, or just a mean-spirited prank like something which blurts "FUCK" at the end of search engine results or the middle finger of Eminem. Where its longevity, creepy anonymous qualities and cruel spirit suggest a hoax out of control, one can easily imagine other scenarios. Somewhere, far away, a little creature suffered brain damage and is stuck in a loop, forever cranking out angry little images. They may be of varying quality and questionable taste, but every day there's a new paragraph to Jerkcity's never-ending graphic novel. Like so many things before it - sardines, punk rock, sodomy - Jerkcity is not for everybody. timeline
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